Zuza glowacka biography of william

  • Biographies.
  • Jestem producentką i kuratorką z 5-letnim doświadczeniem.
  • "Zuza [Glowacka] encouraged me to look for answers about the history.
  • Collective Letter Against the Eradication of Polish Anthropology


    Allegra Lab asks its readers to please consider giving their signatures to a collective letter we have drafted to the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland, Dr. Jarosław Gowin. In doing so, we join the recent outcry over a new decree that effectively removes anthropology/ethnology as an independent academic discipline from the Polish academic landscape. For already published reactions, please see here, here, and here.


    UPDATE: On 31 January, a first batch of 550 signatures was sent to the Minister. We will continue updating the Minister with each new 500 signatures – please help!


    Dr. Jarosław Gowin,

    Minister of Science and Higher Education

    ul Hoża 20

    00-529 Warszawa



    Dear Minister,

    We are writing to you to express our concern with your decree from 20 September 2018 “On the branches of science, scientific disciplines, and artistic disciplines”, merging the discipline of Socio-Cultural Anthropology (Ethnology) with a conglomerate discipline called “Cultural and Religious Studies”. For anthropologists, this means that the unique knowledge, the disti

    1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Science

    December 24, 2022
    This was such a fun read because even though it was published in 1992, the information was still mostly pertinent. The information that was outdated was also interesting in terms of science history (e.g. Linnaeus was still being used as the main resource for grouping organisms whereas cladistics is the preferred method today and it was interesting how he said that cladistics has been compared to Marxist ideology because I had never heard that before; some of the facts referred to complex organisms as 'more advanced' when we know today that complexity isn't directly proportional to advancement; DNA sequencing hadn't come into play when this was first published and the Human Genome Project was only a proposition; and Pluto was still being referred to as a planet, among others!).

    A few of the facts were a little silly, like that cows 'aren't really vegetarians' because the grass they consume has bacteria that their stomachs digest (which is essentially wrong because that would mean that herbivores don't exist if we take into account the bacteria and other microorganisms on plants and in their bodies) or too simplistic to make complete sense like the explanation that the sky is blue because blue light scatters mor
  • zuza glowacka biography of william
  • Memories bring to an end Soviet Repressions in Post-Multi-Colonial Post-Soviet Spaces*


    Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
    Uniwersytet Warszawski

    Żurawia 4, 00-503 Warszawa
    tel. +48 22 55 316 11/fax. +48 22 55 316 12

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