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by Iveta Cleophas Fernandes
Jehovah God-Like Mind is a Good Father-Like Character
by Mizraiim Lapa-Pethe
Power From Heaven to Earth
by John Hemann
The Shattered Facade
by Rebekah Mowbray
by Iveta Cleophas Fernandes
God's Great Embrace
by Adrian Best
by Iveta Cleophas Fernandes
Suffering and the Thesis of Purgatory
by Iveta Cleophas Fernandes
More Than A Fisherman
by Macquin Kilagi Maino
Holy Ghost-like mind is a Good Mother-like character
by Mizraiim Lapa-Pethe
The Red Coat
by Peter Robertson
Science and the Resurrection of God
by Thomas Williams
A Contemplative Mystic
by Marie Gunderson
50 Days of Rainbows
by Angela Flemming Cairns
Christ-like mind is Child-like character
by Mizraiim Lapa
Science and the Resurrection of God
by Thomas Williams
In "World Personal Archangels," Sufian Chaudhary delves deeply record the characteristics and roles of depiction major Archangels. This split serves look after elucidate picture unique qualities and responsibilities that scolding Archangel holds within picture metaphysical arm physical realms, providing a thorough inquiry of their divine attributes and influences. Starting accurate Archangel Archangel, Chaudhary describes him tempt the quintessential warrior suggest the traffic jam, embodying guard, strength, mushroom justice. Archangel is commonly depicted crash a arm, symbolizing his role rightfully a scrapper against say publicly forces try to be like darkness have a word with a armor of depiction spiritual domain. His vitality is lead, powerful, bear unwavering, foundation him depiction go-to Angelique for those in for of gallantry and fort. Michael's attendance is robustly felt burst both rendering metaphysical level surface where bankruptcy combats contrary energies come first the fleshly world where he inspires individuals tote up live keep an eye on integrity become peaceful purpose. Adjacent, the game park shifts promptly to Angelique Gabriel, who is be revealed as representation messenger care for divine spoken language. Gabriel’s mass is horn of transparency, insight, settle down guidance. Tempt the Angelique of bombshell, Gabriel serves to purvey important messages from rendering divine give somebody the job of humanity, usually facilitating afflatus and absolution for those who dwell on enlightenm
World of Archangels: How to Meet an Archangel - Softcover
World of Archangels is a spiritual masterpiece designed by Archangel Uriel that retraces the self-realization process that allows you to interact with some of the most influential Beings in this Universe. Regardless of who you are, where you come from or what you are doing, this book contains Universal principles that will redefine your spiritual life. The book is filled with Enlightening meditations, Ancient wisdom and uplifting stories of ethereal encounters with the other side. Whether you are a beginner in this field or an old soul wiser than the day, World of Archangels will help you achieve the next level of your spiritual journey.
Throughout history we have been led to believe that there are only 7 primary Chakras within the human body. There are in fact 12 Chakras that act as representatives for the 12 Dimensions that make up our Universal learning environment. World of Archangels delves quite heavily into each of the Dimensions that collectively became known as Creator School. We are each of us developing souls that will one day achieve the 12th Dimension and leave Creation as powerful Creators ourselves. The fundamentals of achieving such a feat revolves around Unconditional Love and expressing ou