Sudhir hazareesingh biography template

  • Sudhir Hazareesingh was born in Mauritius.
  • Sudhir Hazareesingh was born in Mauritius.
  • Sudhir Hazareesingh was born in Mauritius.
  • Hazareesingh, Sudhir

    PERSONAL: Male. Education: M.Phil.; Oxford University, D.Phil.

    ADDRESSES: Office—Balliol College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3BJ, England. E-mail—sudhir. [email protected].

    CAREER: Fellow and tutor in politics, Balliol College, Oxford, England.


    Intellectuals and the French Communist Party: Disillusion and Decline, Clarendon Press (Oxford, England), 1991.

    Political Traditions in Modern France,Oxford University Press (Oxford, England), 1994.

    From Subject to Citizen: The Second Empire and theEmergence of Modern French Democracy,Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1998.

    Intellectual Founders of the Republic: Five Studies inNineteenth-Century French Republican Political Thought, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2001.

    (Editor) The Jacobin Legacy in Modern France: Essays in Honour of Vincent Wright, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2002.

    SIDELIGHTS: A fellow and tutor in politics in the philosophy, politics, and economics program at Balliol College, Oxford, Sudhir Hazareesingh has produced several penetrating works on the political culture of France. His first, Intellectuals and the French Communist Party, published in 1991, outlines the decline of the French Communist Party (PCF)

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  • sudhir hazareesingh biography template
  • Sudhir Hazareesingh: Black Spartacus review – the life, and thought, of the first black super-hero

    Often in the shadows, he had led a slave uprising across Saint-Domingue (the western part of the island of Hispaniola) with a strategic brilliance and tactical flair that set it apart from the brutally crushed insurgencies of past decades. 

    Within a few years, the name of Toussaint – born on the Bréda plantation around 1740 to a family from the Allada people of present-day Benin – had spread across the Atlantic and around the world. In his lifetime, and then for posterity, the slave-born warrior-statesman became “the first black super-hero of the modern age”. The title of “Black Spartacus” was applied to him by 1796; soon after, he began to draw comparisons – as revolutionary mastermind and martial hero – with his eventual nemesis, Napoleon Bonaparte. After his capture in 1802, a sonnet by William Wordsworth saluted him as the exemplar of “man’s unconquerable mind” itself. 

    As a legend, an icon, a beacon for future independence struggles as “the first great anti-colonialist leader” (Aimé Césaire), and a pioneer of “black empowerment”, Toussaint had already turned into a mythic figure while he expertly directed his irregular forces from tropical hideaways against planta