Northeastern university athletics division
Northeastern University Sports Information
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$34,203,421Total Revenue
$34,203,421Total Expenses
15Head Coaches
When trying to decide if Northeastern University is right for them, student athletes may want to check out the information on this page about the school’s overall athletics program and the data on the particular sport of interest to them.
The Northeastern University Athletics Program
What Division Is Northeastern In?
Northeastern is in the Not applicable conference and faces off against other NCAA Division I without football schools.
Northeastern University Sports-Related Financial Aid
A total number of 630 student athletes participate in varsity sports at the school, 308 of whom are male and 322 are female. Sports-related student aid is available at Northeastern and the average award is around $24,315 per athlete. On average, the school gave males around $23,901 of sports aid and women received about $26,568.
Northeastern University Coaches
There are 15 head coaches at Northeastern, 6 of whom lead men’s teams, 8 of whom head up women’s teams, and 1 of whom coaches a coed team. Women’s team head coaches make an average of $127,266, men’s team head coaches make about $240,051 each yea
Northeastern University, a private research university with an undergraduate enrollment of 20,337 students, plays a total of 16 NCAA sports, 7 of them for men and 9 for women. In the 2021/2022 season, Northeastern University had a total of 452 NCAA athletes comprising 2% of the total student body.
Northeastern is highly likely to have recruited many of the athletes on its NCAA sports teams through the Division 1 athlete recruitment process, enabling these recruited athletes to leapfrog the normal admissions process. It is our best estimate based on team profiles that 50% to 75% of their teams comprise of recruited athletes while the remaining athletes are “walk-on” athletes who were admitted to Northeastern University on merits unrelated to sports.
Learn more about How top colleges in Division 1 select their athlete recruits
Here’s the list of sports played at Northeastern University by gender together with their team sizes.
All data compiled from Northeastern University athletic website.
Division 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Men's | Men's | Women's | Women's | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sports | Team Size | Sports | Team Size | Team Size | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Baseball | 40 | - | - | 40 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Basketball | 14 | Basketball | 7 | 21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Cross Country | 23 | Cross Country | 17 | 40 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | - | - | Field Hockey | 22 | 22 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Gymn • Northeastern Huskies hands basketballMen's hoops team exert a pull on Northeastern University
The Northeastern Huskies manpower basketball team represents Northeasterly University, come to pass in Beantown, Massachusetts, squeeze up NCAA Dividing Ibasketball chase. The prepare has competed in depiction Colonial Lusty Association since 2005 be first has won two meeting titles, having previously played in description America Chow down Conference, where they won seven contest titles. Interpretation Huskies presently play caress games spokesperson the 6,000-seat Matthews Play. Since 2006, the Huskies have bent coached invitation Bill Coen. Curren