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Public interest in predictive genetic testing, including direct-to-consumer testing, for susceptibility to major depression: preliminary findings.
Wilde, Alex; Meiser, Bettina; Mitchell, Philip B; Schofield, Peter R
The past decade has seen rapid advances in the identification of associations between candidate genes and a range of common multifactorial disorders. This paper evaluates public attitudes towards the complexity of genetic risk prediction in psychiatry involving susceptibility genes, uncertain penetrance and gene-environment interactions on which successful molecular-based mental health interventions will depend. A qualitative approach was taken to enable the exploration of the views of the public. Four structured focus groups were conducted with a total of 36 participants. The majority of participants indicated interest in having a genetic test for susceptibility to major depression, if it was available. Having a family history of mental illness was cited as a major reason. After discussion of perceived positive and negative implications of predictive genetic testing, nine of 24 participants initially interested in having such a test changed their mind. Fear of genetic discrimination and privacy issues predominantly influenced change of attit
6 To 12 Class Take advantage of List Funding Pwt-2 (2023-24)
6 To 12 Class Take advantage of List Funding Pwt-2 (2023-24)
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Assessing climate change impacts and indigenous adaptation strategies on forest resource use in Nigeria
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Samuel Olajuyigbe
XV World Forestry Congress: Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests, 2–6 May 2022At: Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2022
Most Nigerians depend on natural ecosystems such as forests, for extensive rain-fed farming and short fallow periods. Forest communities interact with their ecosystems for income, food, nutritional security and livelihood sustenance. It is important to determine the response of these communities to climate change vulnerability through modified livelihood activities. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to assess the perceived impact of climate variability on farming communities in major ecosystems (rainforest, savannah and mangrove) of Nigeria. Using focus group discussions, we identified perceived impacts, traditional adaptive measures and new technologies that communities were adopting to cope with climate change. Over the last 30 years, there were perceived shifts in the rainfall patterns, durations and intensities with negative effects on rain-fed agricult