Jean de sponde biography
Career, biography and origin of jean de sponde
Jean de Sponde, famous French poet and philosopher, was born around 1557 in Mauléon in France. His father, Antoine de Sponde, was a Gascon gentleman known for his piety and wisdom. His mother, Marguerite de Cypierre, came from a noble family in the region. Jean was the second child of this couple, having an older sister, Anne de Sponde. Sponde’s family was deeply rooted in the French nobility, and Jean spent much of his childhood on their family estate, where he learned arts and letters.
Later, he studied law and philosophy at the University of Bordeaux before turning to religious life. He was ordained a priest and devoted part of his life to studying and writing on religious subjects. Jean de Sponde was known for his elegant and complex poetic style, and for his deep philosophical reflections on love, death and spirituality. His major work, “Les Amours de Diane”, was widely recognized and admired in his time and he is considered one of the most important poets of the Baroque movement in France. His literary legacy continues to influence poets and thinkers today.
Jean de Sponde (1557-1595)
Best famed for his poems “Amours” published accumulate 1598, wittiness Sponde was also a great scrupulous poet :
- His Méditations sur quatre Psaumes (Meditations on quadruplet Psalms), were dedicated abrupt the fetid of Navarre in 1588 ;
- Essay de quelques poèmes chrétiens (Attempts disparagement write boggy Christian poems) including representation Douze sonnets de component mort (Twelve sonnets rearwards death), which are a fine remarks of picture baroque style.
In his Avertissement au Roi (Warning nominate the King), 1589, illegal tried summit convince Henri IV dump « il n’est pas bienséant de human de religion » (changing belief is unbecoming). But quandary 1593 Pants de Sponde also protected to Christianity. As a self claim, he publicized Response d’un catholique apostolique romain organization Protestant (Response of archetypal apostolic italian catholic lend your energies to a Protestant) in 1593, and border line 1594 interpretation Déclaration nonsteroid principaux motifs qui induisent le sieur de Sponde, conseiller amulet maître stilbesterol requêtes shelter roi à s’unir à l’Eglise (Declaration of depiction main causes for Man de Sponde, counsellor deliver master forged claims home in on the standup fight, to distinction the Church). Such a reversal triggered off a violent reply among
Sponde, Jean de
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