Farshad kholghi biography books
People's Press Publisher - 171 works / 24 ebooks
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Biography, Danmark, 2000-2009, Erindringer, 1990-1999, Biografier, 1980-1989, History, 1970-1979, Interviews, Politics and government, 1900-1999, 1960-1969, World War, 1939-1945, Fiction, Historie, Politicians, Fodboldspillere, Denmark, Familiesplaces
Denmark, United States, Copenhagen, China, Europe, Germany, Iraq, Baṣrah (Iraq), Buffalo (N.Y.), Christiania (Copenhagen, Denmark), Copenhagen (Denmark), Croatia, England, Fyn, Kenya, Milton Keynes (Buckinghamshire), Olney (England), Woughton-on-the-Green (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire), Woughton-on-the-Green (Milton Keynes, England)people
H. C. Andersen (1805-1875), Poul Schlüter (1929-), Allan Simonsen (1952), Arne Nielsson, Camilla Emborg, Carl-Erik Sørensen (1954), Dan Lynge, Erik Brandt (1943), Etta Cameron, Farshad Kholghi•
Mellem os (2003)
Farshad Kholghi was born on May 17, 1971 in Teheran, Iran. He is an actor and writer, known for Nordkraft (2005), Forbrydelsen (2007) and Nudellah (2003).
Farshad is a Danish-Iranian debater, actor and lecturer. He fled from Iran to Denmark with the rest of his family in 1984, when he was only 13 years old. In Denmark he is one of the most popular lecturers, and he is known for his witty sense of humor and inspiring stories. He has participated in several stage productions, venues and one-man shows and is a member of the Danish comedy-group "Pejseshowet". He has appeared in numerous films such as "Angels in Fast Motion" and "Pizza King" and tv-satire programs such as "OPS" and "Yallahrup Færgeby". In 2007 he played one of the prime suspects in the highly acclaimed tv-series "The Killing". Besides acting he is also a seasoned writer and has written several pieces in MetroXpress and Berlingske Tidende where he participated in the debates regarding Islam and integration. In 2007 he published the book "The World is ONE country" which is about his childhood in Iran, the flee to Denmark and his own experiences with integration in a new country.
BornMay 17, 1971
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My name quite good Farshad Kholghi, and I am a free checker EuropeNews 30 Sept 2009 By Farshad Kholghi I love disheartened f