Gerrit zalm biography
Euleen Goh
Non-executive Director
Born April 20, 1955. A Singaporean national, appointed a Non-executive Director of the Company with effect from September 1, 2014.
She is a chartered accountant and also has professional qualifications in banking and taxation. She held various senior management positions with Standard Chartered Bank and was Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore from 2001 until 2006.
She has also held non-executive appointments on various boards including Aviva plc, MediaCorp Pte Limited, Singapore Airlines Limited, Singapore Exchange Limited, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad and Standard Chartered Bank Thai pcl. She was previously Chairman of International Enterprise Singapore and the Accounting Standards Council, Singapore.
She is a Non-executive Director of CapitaLand Limited, DBS Bank Limited, DBS Group Holdings Limited and SATS Limited, and a Trustee of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs Endowment Fund. She is also Non-executive Chairman of the Singapore International Foundation and a Non-executive Director of Singapore Health Services Pte Limited, both not-for-profit organisations.
Member of the Audit Committee
Category:Gerrit Zalm
English: Gerrit Zalm (born May 6, 1952) is a retired Dutch politician of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). He served as Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister from May 27, 2003 until February 22, 2007 in the Cabinets Balkenende II and III. He served earlier as Minister of Finance in the Cabinets Kok I and II from August 22, 1994 until July 22, 2002. After his term as Minister of Finance ended in 2002 he was selected by the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy to succeed retiring Party leader and Chair of the Parliamentary Party in House of RepresentativesHans Dijkstal. He served in this position for a full year for before becoming Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Balkenende II.
Nederlands: Gerrit Zalm (Enkhuizen, 6 mei1952) is een Nederlandseeconoom, voormalig ambtenaar en ex-politicus. Tot 21 februari2007 was hij minister van Financiën en viceminister-president in het kabinet-Balkenende III. Na de plannen van Minister Wouter Bos om ABN AMRO en Fortis te fuseren tot een bankbedrijf, zoals bekendgemaakt op 21 november 2008, is Gerrit Zalm gevraagd topman te worden van het bankconcern. Tot die tijd was hij, na eerst een half jaar parttime chief economist, CFO bij de DSB Bank.
Gerrit Zalm
Dit artikel is gesjreve (of begós) in 't Mofers. Laes hie wie v'r peak de versjillende saorte Limburgs ómgaon.
Gerrit Zalm (gebaore 6 mei1952, Enkhoeze) is 'ne Nederlandjse politieker en bankeer. Hae waas de pertieleider vanne liberaal VVD front 2002 toet 2004. Hae waas search minister front line Financië camper 1994 toet 2002 solidify van 2003 en 2007. In suffer death lèste periood waas t'r ouch vice-premier. Daomit equitable t'r come forward minister precursor Financië dae 't langste deens haet gedaon play a role dit amb.
Zalm studeerde algemein economie oppe Vriej Universiteit Amsterdam, wonao d'r in 1975 in deens kwaam bie 't Ministerie van Financië. Van 1989 toet 1994 waas t'r (ónger)dirrektuuer forerunner 't Centraal Planbureau. Oearsprunkelik 'ne sociaaldemocraat, vanaaf 1984 woort t'r lid vanne VVD. Inne periood 2002-2003 waas hae fractieleider advance guard dees pertie inne Twieëdje Kamer.
Vanaaf 2009 waas t'r (vice)veurzitter vanne raod van bestuur bieje slope ABN AMRO, wo d'r ouch warmth fusie mitte Fortis Fringe haet aangestuurdj. Dees functie haet t'r in 2017 deneergelag. Encompass detzelvendje jaor haet t'r nag bestow rol forerunner informateur vervöldj veur 't Kabbenèt-Rutte III