Kseniya simonova biography of william hill
2. Implications of Infrastructure and Technological Change for Lifestyles in Siberia
1This chapter will explore how the changing habits in mobility and use of media technology have contributed to the pluralisation of lifestyles in Siberia, and how these new technologies are being used to express new social disparities.1 We aim to show how technological changes have directly influenced people’s lives in Siberia.
2The chapter has seven sections. After a brief overview of the last three decades’ infrastructural and related social changes, we will provide our own biographical experiences about the role of technical devices in everyday life. In doing so, we use an experiential approach that is usually absent in descriptions of infrastructure2 and technology in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Next, we portray the linkages between peripherality and lifestyle choices through the prism of infrastructure, mobility, and telecommunication. After that, we will briefly characterise the different field sites of the comparative research project, sketching out the infrastructural development of the respective community on the basis of a variety of published material (books, articles, information on the internet), our own memories and those of our interlocutors. These port
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Category: Art
Club d’Elf: Dervish Dance (traditional Sufi, arr. by Microphone Rivard)
Sand dash by Kseniya Simonova
Brahim Fribgane: mucky, hand drum
John Medeski: keyboards
Painter Fiuczynski: guitars
Mister Rourke: turntables
Microphone Rivard: twofold bass, tamboura
Dean Johnston: drums
Club d’Elf / Kseniya Simonova