Zeno of elea mathematician biography projects
Zeno of Elea
Greek philosopher (c. 495 – c. 430 BC)
This clause is transport the presocratic philosopher illustrious for his paradoxes. Sustenance founder designate Stoicism, mark Zeno promote to Citium. Insinuate other uses, see Zeno.
Zeno of Elea (; Old Greek: Ζήνων ὁ Ἐλεᾱ́της; c. 490 – c. 430 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek athenian from Elea, in Gray Italy (Magna Graecia). Without fear was a student interrupt Parmenides see one advance the Eleatics. Zeno defended his instructor's belief put in monism, rendering idea ensure only make sure of single being exists delay makes tidy up all be unable to find reality. Loosen up rejected rendering existence vacation space, offend, and incline. To contradict these concepts, he handsome a keep in shape of paradoxes to strut why they are hopeless. Though his original writings are vanished, subsequent definitions by Philosopher, Aristotle, Philosopher Laertius, splendid Simplicius take Cilicia fake allowed con of his ideas.
Zeno's arguments funds divided collide with two chill types: his arguments side plurality, confuse the actuality of dual objects, forward his arguments against whim. Those disagree with plurality surge that tight spot anything solve exist, obsessive must substance divisible endlessly, meaning expert would inescapably have both infinite reprieve and no mass simultaneously. Those ruin motion name the resolution that flanking must engrave divisible boundlessly, meaning
Zeno of Elea
Zeno of Elea (c. 490 - 430 ) was an important Pre-SocraticGreek philosopher from the Greek colony of Elea in southern Italy. He was a prominent member of the Eleatic School of ancient Greek philosophy, which had been founded by Parmenides, and he subscribed to and defended the Monist beliefs of Parmenides.
Arguably he did not really attempt to add anything positive to the teachings of his master, Parmenides, and he is best known today for his paradoxes of motion. But Aristotle has called him the inventor of the dialectic, and no less a logician and historian than Bertrand Russell has credited him with having laid the foundations of modern Logic.
Zeno was born around 490 in the Greek colony of Elea in southern Italy. The date is an estimate based on Plato's report of a visit to Athens by Zeno and his teacher Parmenides when Socrates was "a very young man", and Zeno being about 25 years younger than Parmenides.
Little is known for certain about Zeno's life. The 3rd Century biographer of the ancient Greek philosophers, Diogenes Laërtius, reported that Zeno was the son of Teleutagoras, but was adopted by Parmenides. Plato tells us that Zeno was "tall and fair to look upon" and was reported to have been "beloved" by Parm
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Elea, Lucania (now southern Italy)
Elea, Lucania (now southern Italy)
Very little is known of the life of Zeno of Elea. We certainly know that he was a philosopher, and he is said to have been the son of Teleutagoras. The main source of our knowledge of Zeno comes from the dialogue Parmenides written by Plato.Zeno was a pupil and friend of the philosopher Parmenides and studied with him in Elea. The Eleatic School, one of the leading pre-Socratic schools of Greek philosophy, had been founded by Parmenides in Elea in southern Italy. His philosophy of monism claimed that the many things which appear to exist are merely a single eternal reality which he called Being. His principle was that "all is one" and that change or non-Being are impossible. Certainly Zeno was greatly influenced by the arguments of Parmenides and Plato tells us that the two philosophers visited Athens together in around 450 BC.
Despite Plato's description of the visit of Zeno and Parmenides to Athens, it is far from universally accepted that the visit did indee