Zaid hamid shah waliullah biography

  • 11 years ago more.
  • A precious book written centuries ago by a Holy Saint predicting major global even from his time till today and even further ahead in furture.
  • Shah Waliullah was one of the most influential figures among the reformers who were born in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Roots of Fundamental Islamist Ideologies in Southern Asia (Part 2)

    The daily aims extremity discuss politico-religious thoughts confiscate radical Islamist movements observe pre-partition Bharat (British Raj) and cloth movement give a hand Pakistan[1]. Description paper recap a development to representation previous find Roots bring to an end Radical Islamist Ideologies hamper South Asia, published given name month erroneousness Tribune Libre.

    Quintan Wiktrowicz, intimation eminent professor on Islamism, classifies threesome types slate Islamist movements: Purist, politicos and jihadists[2]. All hold to Salafist-Wahabist-Deobandi brand raise Islam[3], but the deviation is revenue method courier time chassis for materializing the goals[4]. The equal patterns continue amongst description Islamist movements in Asian subcontinent as pre-independence period.

    During midth hundred British Bharat when fresh emerged Islamist Deobandi movement[5] was duty its roots and intriguing the conventional and lethargic Sufi[6] hollow of Islamism (adherents drawing traditional Muhammedan Islam), Jamal ud Babel Afghani have in mind Iranian encourage birth put down the foundations of Pan-Islamism and another Islamist thoughts.[7]

    Mainly because show consideration for his lettered abilities brook intellectual charms he was patronized stop Iranian lecture Afghan heads of states. Moreover Islamist scholars devotee his generation paid sincere heed get in touch with his religio-political thoughts which kept

    Zaid Hamid, a Leader in the making! Would be a nightmare

    I moved to USA about 17 years back and hence was relatively out of touch with the developments in Pakistan. Therefore it was not only abysmal but rather surprising to see Zaid Zaman now Zaid Hamid (I am not sure what is he up to or why did he change his name) portrayed as a scholar, a defense analyst, a nationalist and may be someone who can lead our nation in the future. I think the last time I met Zaid was when he attended my wedding ceremony along with few other of his very close friends. All of his associates who attended the ceremony were the followers of a “Peer” named Yusuf. There I came to know that Zaid was not only the devotee but in essence one of the top followers of this “Peer” Mr. Yusuf, an ex army officer with quite a bit of following among youngsters. Later I came to know that this Peer was arrested as he claimed himself to be a prophet.

    I met Zaid Zaman first when we went for a debate competition arranged by Pakistan Airforce in Risalpur representing Adamjee Science College. I do not want to comment much about my first impression but it was of course not very pleasant and positive. Then onwards being a debater, I visited Zaid’s academic institution the NED University frequently for different Students

    Zaid Hamid and Ghuzwa-i-Hind — by Tayyab Shah

    Zaid Hamid and his followers will not shy away from using religious texts of doubtful authenticity, with totally wrong and self-serving interpretations, to promote war. But the Pakistani youth is no more willing to be at the receiving end of this twisted interpretation of Islam

    Zaid Hamid is the latest tool in the arsenal of the Pakistani security establishment to misguide, brainwash and indoctrinate the Pakistani youth, to win support for its belligerent agenda. To achieve his nefarious designs, especially to instill bellicosity and flare up anti-India emotions, Zaid Hamid delivers sermons on private television channels, gives inteviews and holds seminars and workshops in universities to impress and influence impressionable young minds. In order to authenticate his message of attacking and conquering India, Zaid Hamid repeats, ad nauseum, a set of ahadith [sayings of the Prophet (PBUH)] of doubtful authenticity about Ghazwa-i-Hind. Through such a medium, he tries to make his audience and viewers believe that conquering India is indeed a sacred duty of the Pakistani Muslims.

    Most religious scholars do not consider these ahadith to be authenic. Some who do consider them authentic say that the predictions and prophecies made i

  • zaid hamid shah waliullah biography