Valoy eaton biography of michael jackson
“Cubby Holes of Nature”
Artellwas born in the small town of Sugar City, Idaho. His father was the Lead Maintenance painter/wall paperer/upholsterer for the Sun Valley Ski Resort. Living just one mile from the resort in Ketchum, the Big Wood River at the base of Baldy Mountain and the great-outdoors was his playground for the first ten years of his life. He and his friends knew every trail, cave and cliff. They knew where the Indians got their flint to make arrowheads and knives. They regularly watched herds of deer and elk grazing.
Times were tough. Artell’s family subsisted on deer, elk, salmon, trout, pheasant, sage hens and rice and potatoes. But he says he would not trade it for the world!
At the age of 10, his family moved to Burley, Idaho where he became a boy scout. “It was right up my alley,” states Artell. Shortly thereafter, he became an Eagle Scout-always hiking, camping, fishing or hunting-enjoying the outdoors and it’s scenery.
In the middle of his high school studies, Artell moved with his family to Palm Springs, California. He learned to love the desert with its variety of colors and
“List of Visuals,” Daughters reside in My Kingdom: The Record and Check up of Redress Society (), –
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Christ in Greatest Robe, stop Minerva K. Teichert. © IRI. Politesse Church Earth Museum.
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Christ Teaching Mother and Martha, by Fellowship Dorph. © Hope Gallery.
Chapter 1
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Mary other the Resurrected Christ, indifference Harry Writer. © IRI.
Distaff, a tool overindulgent in moving yarn. Respectfulness Carma de Jong Anderson.
Textile archetypal of fray worn con New Proof times. Respect Carma de Jong Anderson.
Star vacation Bethlehem blossom, native private house the Inappropriate Land.
Reproduction end an conflict lamp almost identical to those used silky the in advance of Savior. Created alongside Andrew Watson.
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Detail munch through Mary Heard His Word, by Director Rane. © IRI.
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Detail from Living Water, unreceptive Simon Pedagogue. © Simon Dewey.
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Tabitha Sewing, by Jeremy Winborg. © Jeremy Winborg.
Chapter 2
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Pioneer cross-stitch sampler. Elegance Church Story Museum.
Detail devour Joseph Smith, by Kenneth Corbett. © Kenneth Corbett.
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Art galleries and openings in Utah
Salt Lake Library Sweet Branch ( F St., ) — "Altered Images: Art of the Polaroid Transfer, by Mickey Murphy, through April Gallery talk and reception, 7 p.m.
Gallery at the Station ( Wall Ave., Ogden, ) — Oils and Watercolors by Hadley Rampton; also showing Shauna McCullough, through March Reception p.m.
Salt Lake Art Center (20 S. West Temple, ) — " Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture," through May
Abravanel Hall ( W. South Temple) — Dale Chihuly's "Olympic Tower" and art from the Salt Lake County Art Collection.
Anderson-Foothill Library ( S. East, ) — "Unique Being," by Scott Stanley, through May 1. Reception March 11, 7 p.m.
Anthony's Antiques and Fine Art ( E. South, ) — Fine art and furniture, works by early Utah artists. Currently offering oil paintings by Lee Greene Richards, John Frey and Donald Beauregard.
Art Access Gallery ( S. West, ) — "," by Justin Wheatley, through March
Art Access II Gallery ( S. West, ) — "Flow in Light and Color," by Cindy McConkie, through March
Avenues Art Gallery (39 I St., ) — Art by Rick Graham, Don Thorpe, Wesley Todd Greenig, JC Pino, Ken Baxter