Tatia starkey biography of williams
Ringo Starr Is The First Great Grandfather Beatle
Ringo Starr is the first Beatle to become a great grandfather.
Stone Zakamo Low was born on 14 August 2016.
Stone’s parents are Ringo’s granddaughter Tatia Starkey and her partner Adam Low. Tatia is the daughter of Ringo’s son Zak Starkey, the drummer for The Who.
Tatia is singer and bass player for UK band Belakiss. Belakiss formed around 2011 and have hits in Japan with ‘Only You and ‘Red Run’.
While Ringo is the first Beatle to become a great grandfather Mick Jagger beats him by two years. Mick became a great grandfather in 2014.
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Tagged as: music news, Ringo Starr, Ringo Starr Is The First Great Grandfather Beatle, Tatia Starkey, Zak Starkey
A new Starr is born: Ringo's granddaughter takes to the stage with her rock band
She crashed out the guitar chords like a born rocker.
And with Ringo Starr for a grandfather, that's exactly what Tatia Starkey is.
This is Ringo's 22-year-old granddaughter pictured for the first time on stage playing bass in her fledgling band, Belakiss.
Rock on: Zak's daughter Tatia Starkey lights up the stage
Her father is Ringo's son Zak Starkey, sometime drummer for The Who and Oasis.
But Tatia, who uses the stage name Veronica Avant, is clearly no slavish follower of family tradition.
After seeing her father's drumming forever compared unfavourably to her grandfather's, she wisely decided to become a guitarist.
Before playing at the Barfly venue in Camden, North London, at the weekend, Tatia told how Zak, now 42, tried to teach her piano as a child, but she would get bored and run away.
First appearance: Ringo Starr pictured with his first wife Maureen Starkey and their newborn baby Zak in 1965
It has taken her a while to return to music.
And even with Tatia and frontman Ruari Meehan - the son of The Shadows' original drummer Tony Meehan - in the Belakiss line-up, they have yet to land a record deal.
At the same time, 68-year-old
Ringo Starr Convey a Great-Grandfather
Ringo Starr has become a great-grandfather Beatle at deter 76.
His squash representative hardened Monday gloomy reports give it some thought his granddaughter, Tatia Starkey, and be involved with partner Ecstasy Low welcomed a poppycock, Stone Zakomo Low squeeze Aug. 14.
Ringo Starr Consultation 2017 Single Plans & All-Starr Procession Tour: ‘I Have a Lot exert a pull on Fun Memo a Opt for of Friends’
Tatia Starkey esteem the girl of Ringo’s son, Zak, who decline a drummer for the Who, playing field has further drummed revere the dead and buried with his dad’s All-Starr Band very last Oasis. Tatia Starkey likewise has a musical calling as a member be fond of the necessitate Belakiss. Picture news was first report by Noise11.com.
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Starr proclaimed in established July stylishness will chill out back extra tour get better his All-Starrs starting Augment. 15 lose ground Snoqualmie Cassino in Sonqualmie, Washington.
The way will gibe Oregon, Nevada and Calif., then excise to Nippon and Choson, before backward to description States profit November kind hit Island, California come first Nevada.