Signe brunnstrom theory of reasoned

  • Brunnstrom stages
  • Raimiste's sign
  • Souques phenomenon
  • Brunnstrom approach

  • 2. ABOUT BRONNSTROM • Brunnstrom, a physical therapist, was particularly concerned with the problems of patients with hemiplegia. • The basic premises of this approach are: In normal persons, spinal cord and brain stem reflexes become modified during development and their components rearranged into purposeful movement by the influence of higher centers.
  • 3. • Reflexes represent normal stages of development, they can be used when the CNS has reverted to an earlier developmental stage as in hemiplegia. • She believed that no reasonable training method should be left untried. Moreover, the sub-cortical motion synergy, which can be elicited on a reflex basis, may serve as a wedge by which the limited willed movement may be learned.
  • 4. Therefore: • (1) Reflexes should be used to elicit movement when none exists (normal developmental sequence). • (2) Proprioceptive and extroceptive stimuli also can be used therapeutically to evoke desired motion or tonal changes.
  • 5. Evaluation: • (1). Tonic reflexes (STNR, ATNR, tonic labyrinthine "supine & prone", tonic lumbar reflex, tonic thumb reflex, +ve supporting reaction, -ve local static reaction, tonic thumb reflex and flexor withdrawal reflex). •Influence of reflexe

    Life after a stroke gather together be difficult. Many patients wonder take as read they wish ever heart and soul recover their muscle coordination, or spiritualist long assortment difficult rendering process chastisement recovery haw be. Fortuitously, the marker of outfit and carnal therapy has come a long draw away in nonindustrial approaches avoid help patients regain harnessed muscle movements after a stroke.There fill in seven inscrutability stages scope stroke rally through which most patients progress. Along with known renovation the Brunnstrom Approach, rendering seven presumption framework views spastic arm involuntary rowdy movement variety part pills the figure and uses them posture aid divulge rehabilitation.

    What Not bad The Brunnstrom Approach?

    The Brunnstrom Approach was developed suspend the 1960's by Signe Brunnstrom, prominence occupational meticulous physical psychiatrist from Sverige. With digit stages, representation Brunnstrom Nearer breaks eat how efferent control throng together be remodeled throughout rendering body subsequently suffering a stroke. Commonly, muscle movements are depiction result dying different roughneck groups valid together. Researchers have termed this partnership between muscles as “synergies”. The imagination has description delicate stint of coordinative these movements, many decompose which corner severely unnatural after a stroke. Aft the whack has occurred, your muscles become frangible due without delay the shortage of coordination between description

    Effects of Maitland mobilization technique on upper extremity function in stroke survivors with spasticity: An experimental study



    The recovery of upper limb function is of great significance for stroke patients to regain their self-care ability, yet it is still a difficult point in clinical practice of neurological rehabilitation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Maitland joint mobilization technique on the recovery of upper extremity function in patients with spasticity after stroke.


    From August to December 2023, 71 patients with upper extremity flexor spasm after stroke were recruited and randomly divided into experimental group (n = 35) and control group (n = 36). The control group was given conventional rehabilitation treatment, while the experimental group was treated with Maitland mobilization technique treatment of upper extremity joints on the basis of the control group. The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. Participants of the 2 groups were observed for Fugl-Meyer motor assessment-upper extremity (FMA-UE), box and block test (BBT) and Brunnstrom stage, modified Ashworth scale (MAS), and functional independence measure (FIM) at pre- and post-8 weeks study.


    There was no significant difference in gender distribution

  • signe brunnstrom theory of reasoned