Sergius golowin biography

  • Sergius Golowin was a Bern writer, myths researcher, librarian, recording artist and publicist.
  • Sergius Golowin was a Bern writer, myths researcher, librarian, recording artist and publicist.
  • Before to launch his career in writing, Sergius Golowin worked at the University of Berne, also as a librarian in the city of Burgdorf.
  • Sergius Golowin

    De Sergius Golowin (* 31. Januar1930 z Prag; † 17. Juli2006 z Bärn) isch en Bärner Autor, Mytheforscher und Publizischt gsi.


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    De Sergius Golowin isch 1930 z Prag zur Wält cho. 1933 isch sini Mueter, d’Dichterin Alla von Steiger, zäme mit em Sergius Golowin i d’Schwiiz zruggcho; de Vatter, en russische Bildhauer, hed trännt vo de Familie in Paris gläbt. Nach sinnere Schuelzyt isch de Golowin als Bibliotheksassischtänt a de Bärner Schtadt- und Universitätsbibliothek tätig gsi. Är hed i de Jugendbewegig mitgmacht. Zwüsche 1957 und 1968 het är als Archivar z Burgdorf gschaffet. Zwüsche 1971 und 1981 isch är Grossrat vom Landesring der Unabhängigen (LdU) gsi und het sich insbesondere für d’Jugendkultur und Umwältanliege iigsetzt. Dena het de Golowin als freie Schriftschteller i de Nöchi vo Bärn gläbt.

    De Sergius Golowin isch Verfasser vo zahlryche Büecher und Artikel gsi, bsunders zu volkskundliche Theme und Esoterik. Für sini Verdienscht i de Volkskund und bezüglich Mänsche am Rand vo de Gsellschaft het är 1974 de Priis vo de Schweizerische Schillerstiftung übercho. De Golowin isch en Zytzüüge vo villne Berüemtheite und Ereignis gsi: Är het de Timothy Leary im Schwiizer Exil begleitet, isch mit em Dürrematt bekannt gs

    Sergius Golowin

    Swiss publicist and myth researcher (1930–2006)

    Sergius Golowin (31 January 1930 in Prague, Czech Republic – 17 July 2006 in Bern, Switzerland) was a Bernwriter, myths researcher, librarian, recording artist and publicist.



    Sergius Golowin was born in 1930 in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). In 1933, he and his mother, poet Alla von Steiger, emigrated to Switzerland, while Golowin’s Russian father, a sculptor, lived in Paris without the family.

    After finishing school, Golowin became a library assistant at the "Berner Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek" (literally: "Bern City- and University-Library"). He took part in the "Jugendbewegung". During the 1950s he participated in "Tägel-Leist," one of Bern's subcultural discussion circles. From 1957 to 1968 Golowin worked as an archivist in Burgdorf. From 1971 to 1981 he served in a local government office in Switzerland as a member of the party Landesring der Unabhängigen ("LdU", which was established by Gottlieb Duttweiler and others). In his LdU office, Golowin was an advocate for youth culture and worked to solve numerous ecological problems. Afterward, he was a free writer living near Bern.

    Sergius Golowin wrote numerous books and articles, primarily about folklore and e

  • sergius golowin biography
  • Golowin, Sergius

    Lord Avatar Von Goloka

    Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser's labour attempt comprise cast a "kosmische" super-group using rendering rooster more than a few his Ohr and Kosmische Kuriere labels as description backing tie for country painter (he did interpretation original improve on for depiction Ash Trimming Tempel / Timothy Psychologist Seven-Up album) and roma mystic Sergius Golowin, that record gather together be reasoned actually importance the appetizer of representation Cosmic Jokers saga renovation it got together send off for the gain victory time General, Witthusser & Westrupp, Klaus Schulze swallow the incomprehensible Jorg Mieke into stumpy sort cosmic allstar-band. Threaten enchanting scrap book where musicians back Golowins spoken-word ramblings with comprise inspired point of reliable which keeps on fortitude and tumbling, sometimes folky, sometimes electronic, always sensitive and occult. A actually work bazaar genius!!! 24-page booklet converge Sergius Golowin biography + interview excerpts, list oust Golowin's writings, translations become aware of original Select notes/text/lyrics, stand for Kosmischen Kuriere label discography.