Samdech tep vong biography

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  • Tep Vong

    Cambodian Buddhist monk (–)

    Samdech Preah Agga Maha Sangharajadhipati Tep Vong (Khmer: សម្ដេចព្រះអគ្គមហាសង្ឃរាជាធិបតី ទេព វង្ស; 12 January – 26 February ) was a Cambodian Buddhist monk who served as the Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia until his death in He was well known for his role in re-establishing the Cambodian monkhood after the Pol Pot period and for his links to dominant political leaders after the s.



    Childhood of the pagoda child


    Tep Vong was born at Trapeang Chork village in the Chreav commune of the Siem Reap municipality, and at the age of 10 went to study at Wat Reach Bo in the provincial capital of Siem Reap. At the age of 16, he was ordained as a novice at the same temple but, because of family duties, only assumed robes for nine months. His preceptor was the abbot of the temple – the Venerable Hing Mao. At the age of 21, he was ordained as a bhikkhu at the temple by the same preceptor. He was made kru sotr – the second-ranking monk of the temple in

    Surviving the Khmers Rouges


    Like almost all Cambodian monks, Tep Vong was forced to leave the monkhood during the Pol Pot regime.[2][3] During those years, he was able to flee to Vietnam according to some sources, but this claim is

  • samdech tep vong biography
  • Leadership

    H.H. Samdech Tep Vong


    Great Supreme Patriarch, Kingdom of Cambodia Co-President, Religions for Peace

    Buddhist, Cambodia

    H.H. Samdech Tep Vong was born 12 January He is a Cambodian Buddhist monk, currently the Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia. He was the youngest of seven senior monks re-ordained under Vietnamese supervision in in order to provide a core leadership group for the re-establishment of the Cambodian Sangha.

    H.H. Tep Vong has spoken out on several occasions regarding issues surrounding the HIV/AIDS situation in Cambodia. As a man of strong faith, Vong has spoken of many healing powers within Buddhism, including, the solution to violence in the countries of Cambodia and Vietnam.

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    Tep Vong

    Samdech Preah Agga Maha Sangharajadhipati Faux pas Vong (bahasa Khmer: សម្ដេចព្រះអគ្គមហាសង្ឃរាជាធិបតី ទេព វង្ស; 12 Januari &#;&#;&#;26 Februari ) adalah seorang SangharajaKamboja. Ia memulai perjalanannya sebagai bhikkhu pada tahun , namun terpaksa lepas jubah pada epoch Khmer Merah. Ia menjabat sebagai bhikkhu senior hingga tahun , ketika tradisi Maha Nikaya dan Dhammayuttika Nikaya berpisah lagi, dan beliau naik ke posisi Sangharaja iranian tradisi Maha Nikaya. Pada tahun , ia kemudian diangkat menjadi Sangharaja Agung, yang memperkuat posisinya sebagai kepala iranian kedua nikaya. Ia memainkan peran penting dalam merevitalisasi Agama Saint di Kamboja setelah dampak buruk rezim Khmer Merah pada tahun –, yang melibatkan upaya pemberantasan agama terorganisir dan mengakibatkan kematian sekitar 1,7 juta orangutan, termasuk hilangnya hidup sekitar lima iranian setiap delapan bhikkhu di negara tersebut.[1]


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