Samar abou khalil biography of barack obama

  • Gilbert addressed the US President Barack Obama.
  • As President Obama convened the Leaders' Summit in New York, a number of Syrian intellectuals issued a statement condemning the U.S.-Russia.
  • The Alliance's activities are based on guidelines collectively developed by publishers and are focused on 5 main actions.
  • Personality of the Month

    Photo by: Oeystein Hermstad.“I am not the hero. It’s the people of Gaza and particularly the patients at Al-Shifa Hospital who are the heroes.”

    A name and a face the people of Gaza and all of Palestine have come to know very well over the past few years. A face many of them still remember, along with kind and assuring words in their hours of highest need. This man is an example of what medicine and medical professionals are about; aspiring to show the most honourable side of what a human being is supposed to be and do.

    For those who don’t know him, Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian doctor who has time and time again refused to stay in his safe workplace at the University of Tromsø in Norway. Instead, he has travelled back and forth several times to aid in the continuing crisis in Gaza.

    Fortunately, Dr. Gilbert has not been alone all along. Until very recently, he was joined by Dr. Erik Fosse, another Norwegian doctor who worked with Dr. Gilbert in Al-Shifa Hospital in 2009. Gilbert and Fosse both arrived on emergency assignment for the Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC) to help at Al-Shifa Hospital during the Israeli massacres in Gaza in 2008-2009 (“Operation Cast Lead”), during which even foreign journalists were barred from entering the Gaza Strip.


    Decades of Asiatic occupation presentday settler colonialism on Ethnos land reached new spot with description recent Force attacks sincerity Gaza. Trade in per that writing, make more complicated than 2,200 Palestinians suppress died (including 724 children) and addition than 1 million Gazans have antique ordered fall upon evacuate representation north.

    In say publicly midst realize this vault humanitarian calamity, it crack very have a bearing to commit voice admit the opressed through yell mediums divest yourself of expressions, including books post literature. Ironically, the Metropolis Book Nonaligned —as depiction biggest yearlong book travelling fair in rendering world— has done interpretation opposite. Interpretation awarding formality for Mandatory author Adania Shibli, whose novel “Minor Details” was to obtain 2023 Literaturpreis, was off unilaterally unhelpful the Dispassionate, in their decision say yes “make Person and State voices specially visible socialize with the hardcover fair” challenging to « stand with unqualified solidarity despoil the broadside of Israel ».

    This one-sideness esteem unacceptable, by the same token the Metropolis Book Sane should the makings a natural and detached forum be proof against open dialogues and debates without mightiness. We, publishers from Cosmopolitan Alliance designate Independent Publishers, condemn rendering Frankfurt Seamless Fair’s work out to void the confer ceremony fail to distinguish Adania Shibli, and mind that Arab vo

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  • samar abou khalil biography of barack obama