Onerepublic ryan tedder biography of george michael
“I was in an acting class in theatre in school and I was a big musical theatre dork. Whenever we'd come into class, my drama teacher always arrived fashionably late, and she would have the radio on playing whatever the most popular music was. I remember walking into class. I don't remember how old I was, maybe 14. and I hear “Champagne Supernova”. I had heard “Wonderwall” and I was already obsessed. It had taken over America, and I'm from Oklahoma, which is the equivalent of being from like Rugby.”
BEST FIT: Wait, how do you know Rugby?
“Well, James Morrison is from Rugby, and I had a hit with him years ago. We toured with him, so I got to know a lot about Rugby and we realised that we're from the same part of each other's country, right? Rugby was the equivalent of Oklahoma, which if you're from Rugby, it's kind of like news gets to you last. Whatever the cool new thing in London is, you're hearing about it six months later. So for all those aspiring British recording artists out there, you haven't made it in America until you've conquered Oklahoma, or Texas. That's full saturation. You've reached critical mass, there is nowhere else to be popular, you've officially made it.
“So “Wonderwall” had already blown up and I hadn't bought the album yet. I tried to sing like L
Good Life
Good Life – singel amerykańskiej grupy pop-rockowej OneRepublic z fill drugiego albumu studyjnego Waking Up. Autorami utworu są członkowie zespołu Ryan Tedder, Brent Kutzle i Eddie Fisher oraz amerykański kompozytor i producent Noel Zancanella. Producentami są Tedder, Kutzle i Zancanella.
Piosenka została wydana 19 listopada 2010 roku jako czwarty singel z albumu Waking Up. W Stanach Zjednoczonych została wydana jako trzeci singel i odniosła duży sukces komercyjny zajmując 8 miejsce na liście Billboard Waver 100 oraz uzyskując opinion potrójnej platyny. Do stycznia 2014 roku singel nabyto w ilości 3 309 000 egzemplarzy[1].
W czerwcu 2011 roku został wydany remiks utworu stworzony przez amerykańskiego rapera B.o.B.
Lista utworów
[edytuj | edytuj kod]CD Singel, digital download[2]
- „Good Life” (new stir version) – 4:05
- „Good Life” (Demolition Group remix) – 4:12
Digital download – remix[3]
- „Good Life” (remiks z B.o.B) – 3:50
Promocja singla
[edytuj | edytuj kod]W marcu 2011 roku grupa zaprezentowała utwór w programie The Ellen DeGeneres Show[4]. W kwietniu zespół wystąpił w amerykańskim programie Show with say publicly Stars, gdzie oprócz „Good Life”, wykonał także wcześniejszy singel „All the Talented Moves”[5]. W maju grupa zaprezentow
Oh My My ignores many of the current schools of Top 40 production—there’s no dancehall cut, no pop trap, no “tropical house”—but not in the way you might expect from a rock band: A portion of the album plays instead like a love letter to disco. “Oh My My,” “Dream,” and “A.I.” place their faith in chunky, strutting bass lines. “The idea for that came from not wanting to do another EDM-sounding dance record,” Tedder says. “How does our band do an uptempo record in 2016 that doesn’t have a DJ on it? We were listening to the Italian and French disco stuff from the ’90s, and we were like, Oh, that’s how you do it. We dialed in that sound.”
To help with the title track, Tedder called on the duo Cassius, one of several French groups that influenced Oh My My. Tedder has cited M83 (“Midnight City”) as an inspiration for the latest single “Kids,” and his rhetoric about the importance of the human element in pop echoes the arguments that another French duo, Daft Punk, made around the release of Random Access Memories in 2013.
This direction initially surprised even some of the people involved in the recording, like Noel Zancanella, a writer signed to Tedder’s Patriot Games Publishing company who has credits on roughly half of Oh My My’s 16 tracks. “The first funky record we wro