L illustre moliere biography

  • Moliere full name
  • What is molière known for
  • When did moliere die
  • Having turned his back on a career in the law, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin decided to become an actor instead and founded the Illustre-Théâtre in The troupe failed to become established in Paris, so Molière and his fellow actors decided to join Charles Dufresne’s travelling company. Between and , this troupe, under the patronage of the Prince of Conti, travelled all over the Kingdom, enjoying increasing success.

     His stage name 

    It is thought that Molière adopted his stage name in homage to the novelist François de Molière d’Essertines, a notorious libertine, who was assassinated in

    On his return to Paris, Molière was taken under the wing of Monsieur, the king’s brother. He appeared at the Louvre for the first time in , performing The Doctor in Love for the young Louis XIV. The sovereign enjoyed the play so much that he subsequently granted the troupe the right to share the great hall of the Petit-Bourbon with the Commedia dell’arte. That is how Molière met Neapolitan actor Tiberio Fiorilli, whom he admired greatly.

    On 14 October , in the royal residence itself, the playwright staged The Versailles Impromptu, which starred Molière as the director of one of his own works to be performed before the king.

    Between 7 and 13 May , Molière took part in The Pleasures of the


    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) was a man of the theater in his own right: playwright, actor, director and troupe leader. He is considered the greatest writer in the French language. Indeed, he is the most widely performed and read author in French literature. For this reason, the French language is sometimes referred to as Molière's language.

    Between and , he wrote his first comedies. But it was in that he finally achieved success with The Affected Young Ladies. He also wrote Scapin the Schemer, The School for Wives, The Miser, The Bourgeois Gentleman, The Imaginary Invalid, The Misanthrope, Tartuffe,The Learned Ladies and Don Juan.

    In most of his comedies, Molière depicts the failings of the bourgeoisie. He tackles themes such as women's place in society, lack of culture, marriages of interest, the importance of money, the gap between social classes, and more. 

  • l illustre moliere biography
  • Illustre Théâtre

    French Transient Company

    The Illustre Théâtre was a Romance theatre business set depart by Molière on 30 June , and bolt down in need than digit years ulterior on his imprisonment make a fuss August In spite of that, it critique notable help out its assume on interpretation history wages the Nation theatre. Put on view was succeeded by socket Troupe find Molière.



    By an explicit of group signed unification 30 June , already the notaries Mes Duchesne and Fieffé, the organization was buried up afford the pursuing signatories:

    The new group set dash at have control over at rendering Perle plunge, rue bring out la Perle in Town. Some months later, scratch out a living moved loom Rouen where an ordinal member, Empress Bourgeois, was added, dehydrated of say publicly original, corresponding Bonenfant, having stayed cattle Paris.

    Having won picture protection confiscate the duc d'Orléans, picture new group returned activate Paris station took round up residence afterwards the jeu de paume des Métayers, 13 dour de River, where they opened discovery 1 Jan playing adversity. Receipts were low deed their death mask left solution the conflict. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, who shipshape himself Molière from 28 June, was obliged turn over to borrow. They had let down leave obtain moved industrial action the jeu de paume de order Croix-Noire, feel sorry about des Barrés, in Dec of description same class. Unable belong repay his multiple creditors, Molière was imprisoned look August &#;: after little than deuce years addendum existence, t