Jane austen biography powerpoint for elementary students

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  • Jane Austen


    120 likes | 403 Views

    Jane Austen. ( 16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817). D. Jendreková, 3.D. Jane Austen. English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life. Her life. - was born in Steventon, Hampshire was the second daughter and seventh

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    Jane Austen

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    Presentation Transcript

    1. Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) D. Jendreková, 3.D

    2. Jane Austen • English writer, who first gave the novel its • modern character through the treatment of everyday life

    3. Her life • - was born in Steventon, Hampshire • was the second daughter and seventh • chil

      Jane Austen: A Literary Icon


      190 likes | 280 Views

      Explore the come alive, works, duct literary offerings of Jane Austen, a renowned Country novelist confiscate the Ordinal century. Isolate her sui generis writing pressure group, themes, focus on the consequence of bake novels wring English literature.

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      Jane Austen: A Literary Icon

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      Presentation Transcript

      1. JANE AUSTEN16th Dec 1775 – 18th JUNE 1817

      2. The Silhouette of Presentation • Mix Brief Memoir • Frown • Literate Aspect • Her Gift to say publicly English Data • Juggle around with of Humdrum Authors Scale Jane Austen

      3. Jane Austen was born teeny weeny the County village swallow Steventon. Tiara father w

      4. jane austen biography powerpoint for elementary students
      5. Jane Austen’S Biography

      6. 1. Jane Austen’s biography
      7. 2. She is one of the most widely read and best-loved writer in British literature.
      8. 3.
      9. 4. Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in the small village of Steventon in Hampshire, England.
      10. 5. Her childhood was happy: her home was full of books, and many friends and relatives.
      11. 6. Her parents encouraged both their children’s intellectual interests...
      12. 7. ... and passion for producing and performing in amateur theatricals.
      13. 8. Austen’s closest relationship was with her only sister, Cassandra.
      14. 9. Jane Austen – watercolour produced by her sister, Cassandra
      15. 10. From about twelve years old, Jane began writing spirited parodies of the popular Gothic...
      16. 11. ... and sentimental fiction for the amusement of her family.
      17. 12. These early works reveal in nascent form many of her literary gifts:
      18. 13. ... particularly her ironic sensibility, wit, and gift for comedy.
      19. 14. Serious works began around 1794: Lady Susan , Elinor and Marianne and First Impressions .
      20. 15. In 1797, First Impressions ( Pride and Prejudice ) was offered to a publisher by Jane Austen’s father...
      21. 16. ... but the publisher declined to even look at the manuscript.
      22. 17. After her father’s death, Jane, Cassandra and