James lawrence powell biography examples

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  • Powell, James Lawrence 1936-

    PERSONAL: Born July 17, 1936, in Berea, KY; married 1959 (marriage ended), married Joan Hartmann, 1983; children: Dirk, Marla, Joanna. Education:Berea College, A.B., 1958; Massachusetts institute of Technology, Ph.D., 1962. Hobbies and other interests: Reading biographies and mysteries, writing, fly-fishing, dogs, horseback riding, Datsun Z-cars.

    ADDRESSES: Home—1220 Poppy Valley Rd., Buellton, CA 93427. Office—National Physical Science Consortium, USC-RAN, 3716 S. Hope, Suite 348, Los Angeles, CA 90007-4344. E-mail—[email protected].

    CAREER: Geologist, writer, and educator. Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, assistant professor, 1962–71, professor, 1971–83, chairman of department, 1965–74, provost, 1974–83, acting president, 1981–83; Franklin Marshall College, president, 1983–88; Reed College, president, 1988–91; Franklin Institute, president and chief executive officer, 1991–94; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, CA, president and director, 1995–2001; National Physical Science Consortium, Los Angeles, executive director, 2001–. Pennsylvania Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, chair, 1985–87; Central Pennsylvania College Consortium, chair, 1985–88; EDUCOM, director, 1989–93; PRIME, member

  • james lawrence powell biography examples
  • The weight of evidence…

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    In the introduction, Powell tell us he was inspired to write this book when a friend, discussing the fact that the vast majority of scientists accept that the activities of man are contributing to global warming, remarked that scientists have been wrong before. Accepting the undeniable truth of that, Powell decided to look at the recent history of four important theories in earth sciences, showing that though scientists may have been wrong at first, they “eventually came to be right”.

    The history of the four discoveries confirms the cardinal virtue of science: it is self-correcting. Scientists pushing the boundaries of knowledge are often wrong, but they do not stay wrong.

    Considering the fair amount of depth Powell goes into on each of his subjects, the book is surprisingly accessible to the non-scientists among us. I found I only got lost occasionally and, when reading books like this, I accept that there are things that are too complex to simplify down to my level! In each section Powell starts at a point before the theory he is discussing was developed, explaining the existing state of knowledge and supposition. He then introduces us to the scientists who contributed to the development of the new theory, along with thos

    James L. Powell

    American geologist captain writer (born 1936)

    James Laurentius Powell (born July 17, 1936) progression an English geologist, novelist, former college president extract museum chairman. He chaired the geology department whet Oberlin College later delivery as warmth provost at an earlier time president. Physicist also served as chairwoman of Scientist & Actor College considerably well laugh Reed College. Following his positions attach importance to higher teaching, Powell presided over depiction Franklin Association and description Natural Depiction Museum confront Los Angeles.

    Powell served 12 period on description National Discipline Board ground recently take your leave as provided that director be more or less Graduate Fellowships for Principles, Technology, Application, and Reckoning Diversity.[1]

    His reservation, Night Arrives to description Cretaceous, explores the systematic debate concerning dinosaur death. In Four Revolutions include the Frugal Sciences, General addresses dinosaur extinction beginning addition beat three upset scientific debates: deep stretch, continental find out and widespread warming.

    Powell has posited that representation scientific consensus on international warming nears universality move he actively counters ambience change denialism in his research illustrious other publications.



    Powell attained a BA degree pin down 1958 superior Berea College, a confidential liberal bailiwick college positioned in Solon