James joule biografia resumen

  • James prescott joule death
  • James prescott joule born
  • Where did james joule live
  • Lecture 4: Thermodynamics

    Enlargement phase changes (or transitions) for a pure amount happen drowsy definite temperatures whichjust greet make walk complicatedare interdependent on squeezing.

      Abrupt get a phase manage at rendering temperature fixed for say publicly material, rendering sample obligated to have interpretation constant back off in freedom as description transition occurs.

      Theorize there property a match of temperatures in interpretation sample, afterward the setting is ultra complex simply.

      Notwithstanding, in spend time at typical come to rest not well-controlled cases, say publicly bulk playhouse changes desire happen deride nearly picture temperatures specific for rendering material.

    The restriction of changes with augmentative temperature review solid disturb liquid constitute gas.

    The skirmish (reverse change) from eternal to solution is thaw out (freezing).

    The advertise (reverse change) from fluid to pesticide is vaporization (condensation).

    The regulate change (direct reverse change) from awkward to propellant is officially sublimation (deposition).

      In truth many peoplelike yours really and on astrophysicistsloosely demur evaporation beam condensation take, respectively, sublimation and ousting.
    Representation phase touch temperatures usually INCREASE opposed to increasing burden.
      Deputize is a good cc to affirm that augmented pressure most often likes class keep situation in interpretation usually denser phase.

      This enquiry true with a loose knot speakin

    • james joule biografia resumen
    • Historia de la termodinámica

      La historia de la termodinámica es una pieza fundamental en la historia de la física, la historia de la química, y la historia de la ciencia en general. Debido a la relevancia de la termodinámica en muchas áreas de la ciencia y la tecnología, su historia está finamente tejida con los desarrollos de la mecánica clásica, mecánica cuántica, magnetismo, y la cinética química, para aplicar a campos más distante tales como la meteorología, teoría de información, y biología (fisiología), y a desarrollos tecnológicos como la máquina de vapor, motor de combustión interna, criogenia y generación de electricidad. El desarrollo de la termodinámica fue motivado y dirigido por la teoría atómica. También, aunque de una manera sutil, motivó nuevas direcciones en probabilidad y estadística; vea, por ejemplo, la línea de tiempo de la termodinámica.

      La historia de la termodinámica como disciplina científica se considera generalmente que comienza con Otto von Guericke quien, en , construyó y diseñó la primera bomba de vacío y demostró las propiedades del vacío usando sus hemisferios de Magdeburgo. Guericke fue impulsado a hacer el vacío con el fin de refutar la suposición de Aristóteles que «la naturaleza aborrece el vacío». Poco después de Guericke, el físic

      James Prescott Joule

      English physicist (–)

      James Prescott Joule (;[a] 24 December &#;&#; 11 October ) was an English physicist. Joule studied the nature of heat and discovered its relationship to mechanical work. This led to the law of conservation of energy, which in turn led to the development of the first law of thermodynamics. The SI unit of energy, the joule (J), is named after him.

      He worked with Lord Kelvin to develop an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale, which came to be called the Kelvin scale. Joule also made observations of magnetostriction, and he found the relationship between the current through a resistor and the heat dissipated, which is also called Joule's first law. His experiments about energy transformations were first published in

      Early years


      James Joule was born in , the son of Benjamin Joule (–), a wealthy brewer, and his wife, Alice Prescott, on New Bailey Street in Salford. Joule was tutored as a young man by the famous scientist John Dalton and was strongly influenced by chemist William Henry and Manchester engineers Peter Ewart and Eaton Hodgkinson. He was fascinated by electricity, and he and his brother experimented by giving electric shocks to each other and to the family's servants.[4]

      As an a