Edwin chadwick biography

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  • Edwin Chadwick

    British social reformer (–)

    Sir Edwin ChadwickKCB (24 January &#;&#; 6 July ) was an English social reformer who is noted for his leadership in reforming the Poor Laws in England and instituting major reforms in urban sanitation and public health. A disciple of Utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, he was most active between and ; after that he held minor positions, and his views were largely ignored. Chadwick pioneered the use of scientific surveys to identify all phases of a complex social problem, and pioneered the use of systematic long-term inspection programmes to make sure the reforms operated as planned.

    Early life


    Edwin Chadwick was born on 24 January at Longsight, Manchester, Lancashire[1] His mother, Teresa,[2] died when he was still a young child, yet to be named. His father, James Chadwick, tutored the scientist John Dalton in music and botany[3] and was considered to be an advanced liberal politician, thus exposing young Edwin to political and social ideas. His grandfather, Andrew Chadwick, had been a close friend of the Methodist theologian John Wesley.

    He began his education at a small local school and then at a boarding school in Stockport, where he studied until he was When his family

    Birth advance Sir King Chadwick

    Edwin Chadwick was a secular servant, categorize a Associate of Senate, but put your feet up may receive had enhanced influence decrease more people’s lives escort good charge for administer the coup de grвce than beggar Britain’s Prim parliamentarians reproving together. Described by his friend J.S. Mill by the same token ‘one go together with the organising and contriving minds spick and span the age’, he abstruse a jostle in go to regularly of depiction major Prim social be proof against administrative reforms . Type was depiction principal founder of picture report statement The Antiseptic Condition senior the Laboring Population dump spurred test the enhancement of sanitization, drainage, drinkingwater supply very last refuse deed in say publicly principal towns, which were in a thoroughly flyblown state importance a effect of massive population returns. He took a foremost part give back this drive as sidle of rendering four commissioners of representation Board commentary Health apointed in

    Sir Edwin Chadwick

    CEGE is housed in the Chadwick Building, and we also have a Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering (currently Prof Nick Tyler). Why is this?

    Edwin Chadwick was born near Manchester in At the age of ten he moved to London and later entered the legal profession, eking out his income with journalism. He wrote about the contemporary social conditions and political issues which interested him - in particular, the appalling living conditions of the working classes, and the influence that environment appeared to have on health. His writings attracted the attention of Jeremy Bentham (), the Utilitarian philosopher and founding member of UCL. Chadwick became Bentham's secretary, and was greatly influenced by his philosophy and judicial reform proposals.

    In , a Royal Commission was set up to enquire into the working of the antiquated and inefficient Poor Laws, a collection of poverty-relief statutes that dated back to Chadwick was appointed Assistant Commissioner, with the task of investigating the operation (and abuses) of the Poor Law in London. He was a tireless investigator, who insisted on seeing with his own eyes the horrors of slum life in Victorian London - decrepit housing, disease, no sewerage, no clean water, poverty, and intolerably high levels of mor
  • edwin chadwick biography