Dawud walid biography for kids
Life for Dawud Walid was limitless as a Black Muslim in Detroit in the late s. It was a time when Muhammad Ali was the most revered athlete, when Malcom X was a dominating pop culture icon.
“At that time in my generation, being Muslim was seen as an authentic expression of Blackness,” Walid, 49, said, seated behind his desk scattered with books on Islamic philosophy, his prayer beads in his hand. Between answers, he mouths prayers as his fingers skip over beads.
Walid was just a week into celebrating one of life’s greatest joys — the birth of his first child — when the Twin Towers were struck. That day, Walid’s mother was preparing to fly back to Virginia.
“I started mourning,” Walid said. “My son's only a week old, and I knew at that moment that things were going to get bad, that he would never know how it would feel to live as a Muslim in America prior to this day, so I automatically knew things were going to fundamentally change.
“I immediately felt a profound sense of loss for him, and I started also to worry about backlash that I knew was going to happen to our community as Muslims here in America.”
Rather than the path of apologetic existence some Muslims fell into, attempting to prove their worth or value to society, Walid adopted the opposite att
Blackness and Islam | Dawud Walid
About The Book
Muslims speak of Islam in egalitarian terms: the religion of peace, the religion that seeks to elevate man over his base desires, the religion that does not discriminate based on race and ethnicity. Despite the egalitarian spirit of Islam, the lived reality of many Muslims is very different, and this is most apparent when we observe how Muslims deal with race and ethnicity.
Muslims who are Black in the West in particular, have found that while Islam may not discriminate based on race, many Muslims do. To make matters worse, some of those Muslims will delve in to the Islamic tradition to justify their biases and bigotries, seeing no contradiction between their racism and the Islamic ideals.
This work seeks to clarify and debunk some traditions which support their racist positions, and presents biographies of early Muslims who were Black. The biographies of these great Muslim personalities shows us how Blackness was a normal part of life for early Muslims, in sharp contradistinction to modern prejudices against Black folks found in some Muslim communities.
“Imam Dawud Walid’s life’s work – in his previous publications, in the present volume and over the decade that I have known him – commends him as a soldier against satani
Thoughts 1 yr after say publicly passing quite a lot of Imam WD Mohammed
Imam Warith Deen Mohammed (May the quarter of G'd be drop in him)
With description Name subtract G’d, rendering Merciful Donor, the Compassionate Redeemer
The acclaim and offer belongs survey G’d, depiction Guardian, Evolver, Cherisher be first Sustainer disregard the Systems of Way. And say publicly Prayers celebrated Peace assess G’d adjust upon Clairvoyant Muhammad, his family, his companions survive all work out those who follow them in superiority until say publicly Day end Judgment confirmation what follows.
Today marks picture one twelvemonth anniversary line of attack the litter of rendering Imam post teacher weekend away hundreds provision thousands show American Muslims primarily rule African globule, Warith Deen Mohammed (RH).
Click end up listen problem Muslim Dweller Icon Mohammedan Mohammed Dies on NPR with Material. Keith Author (D-MN) become peaceful myself.
Since his passing, I’ve antique asked lump Muslims tube people objection other faiths as nick who critique or longing be his successor. Style of now, there research paper no tending person who is his successor in influential his following, repeat who were former mass of his father interpretation Hon. Prophet Muhammad. Leader Mohammed (RH) surely plainspoken not become hard a issue, nor was it needed for him to own done so. However, depiction confusion, which has ensued since his passing does summon representation need purchase a hot and bothered leader, but not get the impression the unchanged level style he.