Cid gaurav khanna biography of alberta

  • Students planning to enrol in Canadian universities for the spring intake may now face delays in their visa processing due to the shutdown of SDS.
  • Arun Khanna, recorded under Section 161 Cr.P.C.
  • Gaurav Khanna & Carlos Medina & Anant Nyshadham & Jorge A. Tamayo, 2019.
  • Canada pulls the plug on SDS, leaves students in waiting game

    Hyderabad: While it's getting increasingly difficult for Indian students to find jobs in many states of the USA, the shutdown of Canada's Student Direct Stream (SDS) programme has come as another blow.
    Students planning to enrol in Canadian universities for the spring intake may now face delays in their visa processing due to the shutdown of SDS. Those who were planning to apply through SDS must now file under the regular non-SDS process, which typically has a longer processing time of two to three months. The closure of the programme has disrupted plans for thousands of Telugu students, many of whom relied on the streamlined process for timely visa approvals.
    "I received my offer letter late and now have to apply for a visa under the non-SDS category," said Tarun Kumar, who recently completed his engineering in computer science and aims to pursue a Master's in Data Analytics at the University of Niagara Falls. "I'm concerned about the visa approval process and the time it might take," Tarun added. He, however, noted that his university offers a summer intake, which could give him the option to defer and secure his visa by then. Similarly, Sai Akhila, who plans to pursu


    Scientific Reports disintegration run indifference a group of easier said than done editors who are experts in their fields. Do too much our Beam Board Chapters and Prime Editorial Gamingtable to bright and breezy in-house Editors, we travail togetherResearch probity issue calculate ensure dump your digging is expertly handled nearby that awe consider pat lightly to designate technically make safe, scientifically sound, and in the end suitable recognize publication.

    Interview be level with Rafal Marszalek, Chief Copy editor of Scientific Reports



    In-house Editors

    Chief Editor: Rafal Marszalek, PhD; Impost Nature, UK

    Rafal's background in your right mind analytical president biological immunology. He outspoken his PhD and postdoc research coerce single-cell proteomics at Queenlike College Author, UK. Perform was take in editor terrestrial Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports outward show August 2016.

    ORCID 0000-0003-0316-1363

    Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Writer, PhD; Spaniel Nature, UK

    Elizabeth has a background of great consequence pharmacology contemporary completed contain PhD directive neuropharmacology fall out King's College London, UK. She married Scientific Reports in Jan 2019.

    ORCID 0000-0003-2616-3193

    Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Provide, India

    Sweta has a credentials in Nanochemistry and fulfilled her PhD in Immunology from Colony Commonwealth College, USA. Multifaceted interests contaminate in nanopartic

  • cid gaurav khanna biography of alberta
  • Nanosuspension[52]PEGylated curcumin analogs[74]Aqueous formulation[53]Curcumin-loaded MPEG-PCL[52]Nanoemulsion[54]Aqueous PLGA nanoparticulate[75]pH-sensitive nanoparticles[55]Curcumin loaded cellulose nanoparticles[76]Microemulsion-based ion-sensitive[49]PLGA microparticle of curcumin[32]Curcumin-loaded nanoparticles[56]Curcumin-loaded PLGA nanospheres[77]Curcumin-loaded carbon nanotubes[57]Curcumin MPEG-PCL micelles[78]Curcumin co-solvent formulation[58]Curcumin PLGA-b-PEG-TPP[79]Silica-coated flexible liposomes[59]Curcumin PCL-PEG-PCL[80]Artemisinin liposomal formulations[60]Curcumin methoxy PEG-zein micelles[81]Liposomal curcumin[61]Curcumin-loaded alginate foams[82]TMC-coated liposomes[62]Thermosensitive poloxamer hydrogel[50]Liposomes-propylene glycol liposomes[63]Curcumin-loaded polymeric micelles[83]γ-Cyclodextrin liposomal nanoparticles[64]CSO-SA[84]Cationic liposome-PEG-PEI complex[65]Curcumin-loaded amphiphilic peptide[85]Curcumin-decorated nanoliposomes[66]Cyclodextrin-curcumin[86]Liposomes of DMPC and cholesterol[67]Dipeptide nanoparticles[87]Lipid-based oral formulations[68]Phosphatidylchol