Autobiography of a river in gujarati

  • Autobiography of a river in 500 words, Autobiography of River મેરા પ્રિયા રિતુ વર્ષા ગુજરાતી નિબંધ| Mera Priya Ritu Varsha Nibandh in Gujarati.
  • Contextual translation of "importance of river in our life in gujarati" into Gujarati.
  • Atmakatha, meaning "autobiography" in Gujarati, offers a unique window into the heart and soul of Gujarati individuals.
  • My Birth- Autobiography of River

    Autobiography of River: Hello, my dear friends! I am a river, and today, I’m here to tell you the story of my life. Like every one of you, I also have a beginning, a journey full of twists and turns, and many adventures. My life is long and full of beauty, joy, and sometimes challenges. I don’t have hands or legs, but I am always on the move, flowing across the land, helping everyone I meet.

    I was born high up in the mountains, where the snow melts into tiny droplets. These tiny droplets join together, and before you know it, I am formed—tiny, innocent, and full of energy. In the beginning, I am small, just a little stream gushing down the mountain. I dance and giggle over rocks and pebbles, excited to explore the world below.

    The sound of my fresh, cool water is like music to the ears of the forest animals. Birds fly overhead, and deer come to drink from me. My water is crystal clear, and everyone loves to rest beside me.

    माझे वडील मराठी निबंध: माझे आदर्श आणि माझे खरे हिरो

    My Growing Journey

    As I move down from the mountains, I become stronger and bigger. Many other streams join me, and we become a large family of flowing waters. I carve paths through valleys, fields, and forests. Along the way, I help plants grow, feed animals,

    Shetrunji River

    River in Gujarat, India

     • locationGir Jungle, near Dalkahwa, Amreli, Gujarat

     • location

    Arabian Sea, India
    Length277 km (172 mi)
    Basin size5,636 square kilometres (2,176 sq mi)
     • locationArabian Sea
     • leftSatali, Thebi, Gagario, Rajaval, Kharo
     • rightShel, Khari, Talaji

    Shetrunji River (alternate: Satrunji) is an westward-flowing river in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, in western India.



    It rises northeast of the Gir Hills, near Dhari in Amreli district. Its course begins east-northeast along a lineament which runs parallel to the Narmada Fault,[1] passes north of Palitana's hills, Shatrunjaya, then in a southeasterly direction past Talaja Hill, through a peninsula, before reaching the Gulf of Cambay, approximately 6 miles (9.7 km) north of Goapnath Point.[2][3] It has two mouths, one situated approximately 4.5 miles (7.2 km) north of the point, and the other being an additional 1.5 miles (2.4 km) to the north.[4

  • autobiography of a river in gujarati
  • Human contributions

    From veteran translators, enterprises, web pages and candidly available rendition repositories.

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